My First Hit Piece

In regards to elected officials, administrators, and teachers who push gender ideologies on children, I stand accused of using “extreme rhetoric at some Valley school board meetings.”
A hack journalist named Philip Haldiman (who looks like the dwarf in the 2006 film "Penelope") published a bombastic article stating that I support "anti-transgender policies" in Arizona schools.
If by anti-trans you mean—vehemently opposed to biological boys/men invading girls/women's private spaces—then I am guilty as charged. Males who dress like females and go by feminine pronouns are sick in the mind and dead in the soul. The same is true of females who believe they're born in the wrong body. This used to be a mental illness but now we're expected to celebrate it!? Absolutely not!
During the April 27, 2023, Peoria Unified School District (PUSD) board meeting, Board Member Melissa Ewing lied to the entire community. She claimed there was no record of any crime committed by a "trans" student in school bathrooms. At best, she’s willfully ignorant. At worst, she’s a malicious elected official who deserves to be publicly humiliated. The same goes for PUSD Board President David Sandoval and Board Member Bill Sorenson.
A male student—who was allowed to use the bathroom of his choice—raped not one but two female students in Loudoun County, Virginia. NBC Washington reported:
“A student sexually assaulted a female student at Stone Bridge High School in May 2021, but was allowed to transfer to Broad Run High School, where he abducted and sexually assaulted the second student in October of 2021. The teen was later convicted in juvenile court.
“A special grand jury found Loudoun County Public Schools administrators looked out for their own interests rather than the interests of the school district throughout their handling of the two sexual assaults, according to its report released on Dec. 5 [2022].”

Left: Philip Haldiman; Right: Actor Peter Dinklage in "Penelope"
The dwarf journalist (Haldiman) wrote that I “voiced heated comments at the meetings of at least three public school districts.” I’ve attended and spoken at multiple board meetings and will continue to do so. It's really very simple: I won't be silent and I’ve yet to say anything I regret. I refuse to aid and abet the destruction of present generations.
Children are God’s gift to us (Ps. 127:3). They’re not the playthings of damaged and demonized adults. It’s pure evil and disgusting for drag queens (probably kiddy-porn watchers) to shake their perverted asses in front of toddlers. The same is true for librarians who promote sexualized books in elementary school libraries. And I have zero respect for educators who carry on explicit conversations with high school students.
I want it to be clear where I stand in the battle between good and evil. I coined the term “pedophiles by proxy” after watching grown men and women vote against the safety and privacy of female students on school campuses. I craft every public comment to ensure it's as heated as possible and I will continue to stand firm in board rooms across Arizona.
Without further ado, click here to read my very first hit piece!