Shots Fired!
July 13, 2024, will forever go down as the day American society sunk to a new level of depravity and lawlessness.

The attempted assassination of President Donald Trump came as no surprise to me. I find it hard to believe the government and leftist lunatics didn't try to kill him years ago. If we were blind before, we can now see the United States is in full-scale moral decline. We're suffering from a malignant cancer of violence and perversion for which there is no earthly cure.
By the grace of God, the devil's plans were foiled...this time.
In my sphere of influence, leftist trolls have branded me a Christian Nationalist. This is mostly benign since I'm oblivious to the derogatory use of the term. I haven't cared to look up this phrase, so I interpret it to mean that I love God and my nation. I'm a Christian and a conservative to be sure, but I don't identify as Republican and I'm not a "MAGA extremist" (another term with no viable definition). My idea of America First simply says we secure the southern border, gain control of the drug epidemic, stop the selling and raping of children, and revive our economy before bailing out other countries. That's as deep as "right-wing ideology" goes with me.

Still, when it comes to matters of morality, relationships, and abortion, I'm actually further right than the man himself. To my knowledge, Trump has never taken a strong stance on celibacy or traditional marriage, and he flip-flops the abortion issue depending on the crowd he's addressing. For me, marriage is strictly between one man and one woman (insert "biological" if you think it's necessary). Children are no less valuable because they're conceived by rape or incest. Poverty and genetic disorders don't render a baby less human. Of course, political strategies are messy so we must be sober-minded in our approach.
Trump is not a pastor. No one should look to him for spiritual guidance. If you need him to "accept Jesus as Lord and Savior" before casting a vote, then you're useless in this fight. Furthermore, I find it hypocritical to reject his leadership based on sins that God could easily reject us all. To the contrary, Christians who envision Trump sitting on a throne, ruling over nations, have entered the realm of blasphemy and idolatry. Trump is a mere mortal. He's not a king and he's nobody's savior. He's simply a vessel, an instrument in God's hands. No less. No more.
During the 2020 presidential race, theologian John Piper published an article wherein he eloquently derailed his audience from executing civic responsibilities. At the time, I said his pious rhetoric had caused him to drift into idiocy. By making it all about Trump, I perceived Piper's ignorance of the spiritual warfare behind politics. For the record, I feel exactly the same way about the "prophets" who declared a landslide victory that never manifested. Only accurate seers predicted the fraudulent activity which resulted in a stolen election. Truly, Christians should demand a stricter adherence to Scripture from those who claim to speak on God's behalf. I say, prophesy the Word - not headlines, feelings, and personal preferences. Not every dream and vision is from the Most High.
Since I don't follow Piper, I can't speak to his stance on the 2024 election. Regardless, there are other low-IQ zealots springing up where I didn't expect. If you've forgotten the fools who formed "Pro-life Evangelicals for Biden," get a load of the braindead group known as "Evangelicals for Harris." Their website is full of deception as Harris's views on abortion, illegal immigration, and inflation are not clearly stated. These fake Evangelicals did their best to present a phony in her best light, as if such a thing were possible. Consider the manipulative "Kamala's Faith Story" page, which says:
"Harris's favorite Bible verse - 'We walk by faith, not by sight' (2 Cor. 5:7) - recognizes that we don't have all the answers, but also that we do not face life's challenges alone...While a deeply committed and faithful Christian, Vice President Harris has great respect for other faith traditions."
Wow. You can fertilize a lot of lawns with that sh-nonsense. This is absurd on unknown levels. But wait, there's more. During a Zoom call on August 14, the late Billy Graham's granddaughter, Jerushah Duford, embarrassed Evangelicals the world over by endorsing a perverted, baby-killing platform. Church Leadership reported that Duford's group encourages people to "reject Donald Trump" as part of their "Christian belief in the common good." A pastor named Dwight McKissic said anyone planning to vote for Trump has "absolutely no moral authority to question the Democrat presidential nominee or their platform."
Listen to Duford's ignorant rant below.
Western Christians are so conditioned by faulty interpretations and religious doctrines that most of us don't believe in miracles. Yet, according to Scripture, we should expect the miraculous to happen. Not necessarily in our rinky-dink church services, but personally, corporately, and, yes, even among those who don't know the Lord. July 13 was not "luck" or "coincidence," it was a miracle. It was the sovereign will of God that Trump survived. As for the gentleman who died protecting his family, this, too, falls within God's sovereignty. Firefighter Corey Comperatore was a hero who tragically left this world too soon, but he will be rewarded for his faith.
The reality of this historical moment we're living in is much bigger than the average American Christian cares to investigate or comprehend. We've settled. We're comfortable. We declare "God's in control," not because we believe it, but because it validates our resolve to do nothing. If you're struggling to identify the most "righteous" candidate, let me clarify a few things for you:
Trump will never walk on water. Get over it. Besides Jesus, God only has flawed people to work with. So - unless your physician, your mechanic, the waiter at your favorite restaurant, the grocery store cashier are all required to follow Christ before serving you - don't be that hypocrite who commands this of every politician. You're not voting for a pastor. Read the Bible and choose policies (not personalities!) that best position you to continue living freely and spreading the Gospel.
If you're a true, born-again believer, there's no conscience way to vote for anyone left of center. If you're serious in your walk with God, you won't divorce your faith from your political views. Real Christians don't waste time considering that one-off "nice" liberal who paints the world with an "inclusive" brush. We know the WHOLE Democrat platform is utterly corrupt. None of their policies or talking points can be reconciled to Scripture. Not one.
If you vote left down the ballot, or abstain from voting this November, you're part of the problem.
Please understand that I'm in no way advocating for blind trust or loyalty to the Republican Party. The majority of those fools are as spineless and morally bankrupt as their leftist counterparts. Like raising children, occupying political spheres demands sharp discernment and shrewd judgment on every level, in every election. Nevertheless, if the 2024 presidential race is given over to Democrats, the blame will primarily rest with a lazy, disengaged American Church.